Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Rainbow Fish

Have you read the story "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister? It's a lovely book about sharing and giving up what we treasure most.

It tells about a very beautiful fish in the sea with shiny scales named the Rainbow Fish. One day, a little blue fish came along and asked the Rainbow Fish for one of his scales but was rejected flatly. The little blue fish went and told his friends and no other fish wanted anything to do with the beautiful fish. He was sad and a starfish told him to go and find the wise octopus. And guess what? The wise octopus told the Rainbow Fish to give away his scales, which he did reluctantly at first.  But he soon found out that even though he's not the most beautiful fish anymore, he's the happiest.

So, anyway, the playgroup which I attend with my 2y.o. rostered me  (we are rostered for stories, crafts, morning tea and devotion btw..) to tell a story on sharing and "The Rainbow Fish" was one of the story books I was given.

I enjoyed the story and thought that I'll balloon it to tell the story. So, here it is, photos of the story...

It was fun telling the story with balloons! It's a good story to use with balloons too. Everyone gets a balloon to bring back.

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