Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Rainbow Fish

Have you read the story "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister? It's a lovely book about sharing and giving up what we treasure most.

It tells about a very beautiful fish in the sea with shiny scales named the Rainbow Fish. One day, a little blue fish came along and asked the Rainbow Fish for one of his scales but was rejected flatly. The little blue fish went and told his friends and no other fish wanted anything to do with the beautiful fish. He was sad and a starfish told him to go and find the wise octopus. And guess what? The wise octopus told the Rainbow Fish to give away his scales, which he did reluctantly at first.  But he soon found out that even though he's not the most beautiful fish anymore, he's the happiest.

So, anyway, the playgroup which I attend with my 2y.o. rostered me  (we are rostered for stories, crafts, morning tea and devotion btw..) to tell a story on sharing and "The Rainbow Fish" was one of the story books I was given.

I enjoyed the story and thought that I'll balloon it to tell the story. So, here it is, photos of the story...

It was fun telling the story with balloons! It's a good story to use with balloons too. Everyone gets a balloon to bring back.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A ninjago and a mermaid

A few weeks ago one of my daughter's schoolmates asked for a ninjago. A gold ninjago. Me and legos? hmm... Well, I went onto the search engines and searched for gold ninjago to have an idea of what it looks like.

This was what I made for him. After I have finished, I could hardly tell what is what and it look just like a big blob of gold balloons. But when he looked into the delivery bag he recognised it straight away and went off showing it to his mates!

Made this mermaid after seeing pictures of it made by many other balloon twisters and wanted to try my hand at it. The first time I made it was two days ago at the park with my girls while they played. I don't usually like to make balloons while other children are around, but it just so happened that a family of 4 (mum, dad, 2y.o. and a baby) with 2 dogs came to play and I gave it to them when I had finished. Strangely, the 2 y.o. girl wasn't interested, but the mum was. This goes to show that even adults enjoy balloons as much as children do!

After the polite thank yous, the mum commented that she likes the bikini. :) And I get to hand out a name card. Bonus! I hope you like her too. And her bikini.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bride and Groom

This is the first time I've attempted to make a bride and groom out of balloons. Actually, out of anything. It was a fun experience and a rather challenging one for me. Looked at quite a lot of other balloon brides and grooms online and had an idea of what they should look like.

As with all other skills, the more one practices, the better one gets. I think I do get better at every twist, but for my skill level now and my understanding of how balloons work, this couple was a challenge.

From the imagining to actually making them gave me lots to think about and calculate. They didn't come out as how I had imagined, but close enough.

Gave it a first go to see how it look. You can't quite see the hairdo of the bride here, but it was very sparse. And they don't stand very well. But I love the way I can make the faces touch as though they were kissing! My husband said that the groom's hat will look better if it was a top hat.

 And this is the FINAL product for our friends who were wedded over the weekend! I'm so in love with this couple! Made a top hat as my husband suggested and some other minor changes.

I'm thankful for search engines and balloon twisters all over the world who have shared their photos! They have certainly made life a lot easier for me in making this wedding couple.

Simple reindeer

Had a family outing to a deer farm during the school holidays. This is my first time seeing a real deer. It was an even greater surprise to see a reindeer! We get to feed the deers that were fenced up. Very cute creatures. One kept sneezing and we stayed away from it.

Thought I'd make a white balloon reindeer for the staff and so here it is!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A ladybug and a couple of flowers

A friend from church was quite sick last week and when I dropped in a meal for the family, I dropped in this bouquet too. My eldest daughter had fun helping me make it. We added water to the body of the ladybug to help stabilize the sculpture. Actually, my daughter helped me to add water to the balloon. :) Maybe I shouldn't have showed her that, because since then, she's been finding balloons to fill with water.


I watched a youtube video of this train a couple of weeks back and have been meaning to do it. It is a very easy train to make, but I never got an excuse to do it. So, last Sunday after church, I made it for a Vietnamese eatery that my family frequents. I like to make them some balloons after a meal as a thank you and decided on a train. Only 2 balloons but it looks pretty good!

Oh, and if you're after some Vietnamese food in Brisbane, I do recommend Secret Beef at Pinelands Plaza on Pinelands Road, Sunnybank Hills